Faith Formation, Technology & Communication

The Community of Faith seeks to be a resource to ensure adequate and appropriate education, communication, technology for local congregations.

The mission statement of the Community of Faith is to offer appropriate education, training, and resources for the churches of Providence Presbytery, with an emphasis on encouraging collaboration among congregations.

Our Community of Faith team provides peer leadership for educational leaders, teachers, advisors, etc.

They can assist with evaluating and designing ministry; training teachers, administrators, youth advisors, etc.; offer suggestions for new programs and teach short-term studies.

The Community of Faith is a Moderator & at least nine other members divided into two sub-committees.

The Moderator for the Community of Faith is Eric Robinson. He can be reached at

Faith Formation

Moderator & 6 members

Staff: Rev. Dr. David Bender, Stated Clerk & Bethelwoods Director

Class of 2025 Term Class of 2026 Term Class of 2027 Term
Jennifer Ancrum (Hermon) Sarah Childers
Kathy Blackwelder (First- Rock Hill)
Eric Robinson 1

Technology & Communications Team

Three members

This team is a resource for congregations within the Presbytery to assist with a wide variety of technology challenges. Please visit the
technology team page to learn what services are available.

Staff: Katie Rutland, Communications & Technology Coordinator

Class of 2025 Term Class of 2026 Term Class of 2027 Term
John Baker RE (Old Waxhaw) 1 Rev. Rob Jones (Douglas) 1

Presbytery Resource Consultants

Church leaders looking for guidance on curriculum or Christian education materials may contact anyone on the list below for recommendations that may be helpful in finding the right resources for your church:

Grant Writing Assistance: With experienced grant writers on our staff, Providence Presbytery can provide consultation that will help improve your grants and increase your chances of success. Contact Rose Lemmons-Berry for help polishing your grant.

Presbytery Leadership Scholarship: There is a Leadership Scholarship available for continuing education. Scholarship recipients are asked to share the knowledge gained at training events with others in the Presbytery in some way. The Leadership Development Scholarship Application Form is available online.

This resource list is also available for download by clicking here.

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