Presbyterian Women is an inclusive and caring community of women, committed to working toward God’s promise of wholeness for all people. The group at Providence works hard to nurture and strengthen relationships across the dozens of congregations within the Presbytery.
As part of a larger national organization, Presbyterian Women understands that scripture asks us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. As such, Presbyterian Women provides information about justice and peace and ministry to inform mission and community-building work. Click here to visit the national Presbyterian Women website to find more information, resources and educational materials.
2024-2025 Officers | |
Ellen Mays | Co-Moderator |
Lee Barnwell | Co-Moderator/Historian |
Debbie Lowe | Treasurer |
Kay Nivens | Secretary |
Shirnetha Belk | Member-At-Large |
Trici Davis | Member-At-Large |
Pat Oglesby | Member-At-Large |
Martha Hinson | Member-At-Large |
E. Ellen Mayes | Member-At-Large |
Rosa Sandsbury | Member-At-Large |
October 2024: The Fall gathering of Presbyterian Women of Providence Presbytery was a lovely time of fellowship at First Presbyterian in Lancaster. The ladies there partnered with members from Beaver Creek to provide breakfast before the program began. A big thank you to Rev. Letarsha Robinson for being the speaker and to Rev. Hilary Shuford for joining her to offer communion. A collection was taken for the PW offering and for Hurricane Helene relief in Montreat and the tartans were presented.
Thank you so much to the PW Co-Moderators Lee Barnwell and Ellen Mayes for their faithful dedication to the Presbyterian Women.
July 2024: Members of Presbyterian Women of Providence Presbytery delivered checks to two York County nonprofits in order to aid recovery from the damaging hail storms earlier this summer.
Habitat for Humanity York County & Victory Gardens International are recipients of this grant money which was made possible through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Thanks to the hard work of the Presbyterian Women and Providence's Mission Coordinator Dr. Eric Robinson for facilitating this assistance.
This even more highlights the need for Providence's Disaster Assistance Commission, which is currently forming. Thanks to those who helped make this aid possible!
April 2024: The women of Providence Presbytery held a lovely Spring Gathering. Van Wyck Presbyterian Church graciously hosted the group. Co-Moderator Rev. Shavon Starling-Lewis gave a greeting from the 225th General Assembly Co-Moderators and the General Assembly, and Eric Robinson who serves both Providence Presbytery and Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church was the event’s speaker.
During the assembly, the Presbyterian Women passed a motion to establish a commission for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance within Providence Presbytery. Details on that exciting development will be forthcoming!