Welcome to the Matthew 25 page for Providence Presbytery. This is where you can learn more about this important movement.

Find out more about the Matthew 25 Movement: Watch the three educational events previously hosted by Providence Presbytery to help you and your church family understand how your church can accept the invitation of Matthew 25.

Focus #1: Building Congregational Vitality

Focus #2: Dismantling Structural Racism

Focus #3: Eradicating Systemic Poverty

The Presbyterian Mission Agency says that “the Matthew 25 invitation focuses on Matthew 25: 31-46, the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear, that what we do matters to God and how we treat others is important to God.”

Congregations that join the Matthew 25 movement work towards three main objectives: Dismantling structural racism, eradicating systemic poverty, and becoming a vital congregation that is impactful and relevant for those who walk through its doors, and those in its neighborhood. This is more than just a notion of good will, but shapes the work, ministry, and mission of the congregation. 

Please check out these resources to learn more about Matthew 25!

The Presbyterian Mission Agency: Matthew 25

Introduction to the Matthew 25 Movement

Videos about the three main objectives of a Matthew 25 church:

Currently, three churches in our Presbytery have embraced the vision: Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, Grace Presbyterian Fort Mill, and Purity Presbyterian.

Please watch and read the resources above, and prayerfully consider your church joining. Reach out to our Mission Director, Dr. Eric Robinson with questions or for more information at eric@providencepres.org.